Our Mission
The Lions Eye Bank of Hawai’i is committed to restoring sight across the Islands by honoring the wishes of donors and their families. We provide medical centers with corneas for vision-saving transplantation procedures, and supply ocular tissue to research institutions so we can help to further humanity’s understanding of blinding diseases. We have proudly served Hawai’i for nearly 40 years, and we work every day to prevent unnecessary blindness and uphold the community service principles of the District 50 Lions Clubs.

Hawai’i Lions Foundation is to serve as District 50 Hawai’i Lions’ charitable, tax-exempt body to promote programs of improving and expanding services to sight and hearing impaired persons while enhancing the image of Lionism throughout the State of Hawai’i.
The purpose of the Foundation is to support the Lions Clubs of District 50 Hawai’i in serving their local communities as they carry out essential sight, hearing and other humanitarian projects..
About Us
The Lions Eye Bank of Hawai’i is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that partners with donor families and ophthalmic surgeons across the Islands to source and distribute ocular tissue for sight-saving transplants. Founded in 1961, the LEBH is proud to have been a charter member of the Eye Bank Association of America, and is accredited by the EBAA and the FDA.
LEBH is the primary undertaking of the District 50 Lions Clubs, the local branch of Lions International, a global community service organization dedicated to advancing public health in several areas, including vision restoration. Lions International, through its over 48,000 constituent clubs, operates eye banks in 22 states and 8 countries. The Lions Eye Bank of Hawai’i is proud to be at the forefront of this legacy, and to have the support of a community and culture of service.

Helping THE PEOPLE OF HAWAI’I since 1961
Fighting against blindness & Working to Restore Vision.